Copay's for office visits are due at the time of service. It is your responsibility to be prepared with your copay, as it will be collected when you check in to the office.
New patient paperwork is sent out to every new patient, if time allows. If you do not receive paperwork, please come to the office about 15 minutes early to complete the paperwork. If you did receive paperwork, please have it filled out completely - including medical conditions, surgical history, medications, etc. This helps save time. We will make copies of your insurance card/s and photo ID when you arrive to the office, so have that with you. Please be familiar with what insurance/s you have! Some patients are not sure what they have for insurance, do not have cards or ID numbers. This can delay the billing/claims process, and if there are unresolved issues, the charge may get sent to you, the patient.
When patient appointments are made, we are reserving time for you in the office, and plan our day according to this schedule. When patients cancel with less than 24 hrs., or do not show up at all with no call or notice, it is taking a time slot away from a patient who would be able to come to the office. Patients who cancel an ultrasound appointment and consultation/office visit with less than 24 hrs notice will be charged a fee of $50.00 for the ultrasound and $50.00 for the office visit. Patients who cancel procedures with less than 24 hrs notice will be charged a fee of $250.00. Emergencies do happen, and it is at the discretion of Dr. Kline if the charges will be waived for particular circumstances/reasons. We encourage you to call us with proper notice should you find you will not be able to keep your scheduled appointments.
We take pride in giving in-person reminder calls to each and every patient that comes in to the office. Calls are made the day before their visit. Calls can range from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., but most are between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. If you are scheduled for a procedure and DID NOT get a time, please check your voicemail. We will leave a message if you do not answer and we are able to leave a message. If you have NO MESSAGE, call the office during business hours to get your arrival time. Please don't assume that if you didn't get an arrival time, you are not coming. On the contrary - call us if you don't the call. It is quite possible that your procedure didn't get entered in our computer system by accident, etc., and so calling us will help avoid a bigger problem the next day. All patients that leave our office on any given day are reminded about when they are coming back. All dates are written on instructions when you schedule procedures. All follow up appointments are given appointment cards, unless you log your appointment in your calendar on your mobile device. Ultimately, patients need to be accountable for their appointments. Please make sure that when you become a patient here, that we are set as a contact in your phone, so that when an unrecognized number comes from either Lancaster/Lebanon/Reading, your phone will not deem it as "Spam" or a "robo" call and not let the call come through. That has happened quite often. Also, you need to make sure that your phone is set up with voicemail, so that if you do not answer, we can leave the messages for you on your voicemail. If we can't leave a message, you don't get your time. WE DO NOT TEXT PATIENTS. We do not have company cell phones to text patients, and we will not be using our personal phones to text you. PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL, SUBMIT A WEBSITE INQUIRY, OR ZOCDOC INQUIRY ABOUT CANCELLING OR CHANGING APPOINTMENTS. CALL THE OFFICE, IF IT IS AFTER HOURS LEAVE A MESSAGE. We do not get these inquiries as quick as a phone call, so call us please.
Requests for arrival times for procedures are noted, but can not be guaranteed, unless approved by Dr. Kline. We make every effort to accommodate your schedules as best as we can; however, all our procedures have a set time that is allotted to complete each one, and some procedures require the ultrasound tech as well. Our schedule is strategically planned taking many factors into consideration. We will do our best to have you arrive as close to your request as possible. When you are scheduled for any procedure in the office, please make sure you make any arrival concerns known at that time, or as soon as you know your schedule for that day changed. Working patients who will be going to work immediately following the procedure tend to be given our earliest arrival times. If you plan on working the day, but leave work early, and want to come the latest that you can, to avoid missed work time, we will accommodate that, but please know that that last procedure of the day can vary, based on our procedure volume for the day. It is never a set time. We do understand that those patients who don't work, are retired, etc., typically have a routine for their day, and sometimes our arrival times may not be ideal to your schedule. We do appreciate your flexibility and willingness to work with our office and our schedule.
We operate three different schedules within one office - procedures with Dr. Kline, appointments with Dr. Kline, and ultrasound. Please know that if you arrived at your given time, but the person that walked in after you was taken back first, there is a reason. We will be with you as soon as we can. Sometimes we are waiting on a particular room to be available, and you will be taken back as soon as possible.
If you are coming to our office and have a high deductible that has not been met, you will be asked to provide a portion, or all of that deductible, to the office prior to services being performed (procedures). Patient's are encouraged to know their insurance plan, deductible, co-insurance, co-pays, etc. for services done in our office. We will be verifying your benefits prior to your primary ultrasound and consultation, so that information will be discussed at that first visit. Balances due from remaining deductible, co-insurances, co-pays, etc. are required to be paid in a timely fashion. We will notify you when you check in to the office of any balances that are posted to your account. You may not have received a statement yet when we tell you that you have a balance. Patients will receive statements from our billing company, Athena, with instructions on how to make payments. You may always pay in person, or call the office and pay over the phone with credit card. If you are paying in cash, please have exact amount due, as we rarely are able to make change for larger amounts given. Please know our billing/remittance address is Belfast, Maine, and our name associated with our Tax ID is Community Surgical Associates. Self-pay patients with no insurance are offered discounts to our services. Please talk to the office if you are self-pay. We can provide that information to you, and how our payments for self-pay patients work.